Saturday, June 7, 2008

Axiom of Choice

When possible, mathematicians use this axiom.

But remember, you either accept or reject the Law of Excluded Middle. And if you reject it, but the decidability of the Law of Excluded Middle is in question, then have you then rejected the Law of Excluded Middle?


Saturday, May 31, 2008


Woke up this morning couldnae remember me
Who I was I couldna recall
An amnesia of identity afflictee
But when I heard the notes I remembered all

Dead in a grave like a ninety year old knave
I couldnae see the sky or feel my hands
But this one thing did really save:
Rock and roll played by a coupla bands

I heard my name in the fortissimos
I saw my face in the vibrating bass
Whispers and tears of joy sound pianissimo
When I break out and dance all nutcase


Destiny approaches

Exciting times are these.

Soon, I hope to offer a new collection of my music. You know, the stuff I was working on over summer. Soon may be weeks or maybe months, but I'm gonna try to make it happen.

Soon, I will exceed 22 years of age. Soon in this case is more like weeks or maybe days, but it's gonna happen whether I try to make it happen or not.

Soon, soon. All times are soon.

A Beater, A Hammer and A Steel String is all I need,

Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is what I've been counting down to
This is ash and bodies everywhere
This is a death and rebirth
This is a countdown completed

By the way, welcome to anyone who's still following me down the rabbit hole from other blogs that I used to (and still might) maintain.

In some ways, this blog will try to be different, focusing more on original art, ideas, music, my own lyrics and generally more awesome stuff as opposed to an introspective blog that journeys into myself in ways that not even I can understand and posts lyrics that other people wrote.

But then, who knows what exactly I'll do. I claim that the future is unwritten. At least, until I get around to typing it all out and posting it.

Grace and peace be with you,

Monday, May 26, 2008

Living Biblically

This is a crazy experiment that I think is absolutely wonderful. The only reason I don't do this all the time is a wee bit of theology that I hold that says that the whole Bible isn't all literal and applicable like that.

But you've gotta admire someone who would take what they know (or what they want to ridicule, even) and do it.

It's all in the doing.

Keep keeping the commands,