Saturday, March 8, 2025

New Music: "The Colorful Path"

Wizard Peter’s first album takes us on an alchemical journey of creation, joy, horror and self-transformation. Check it out on Bandcamp!

Here we walk
The Colorful Path
Green to the left
Now red on our right
Blue and purple underneath

Betwixt virtue and villainy
There’s darkness all ‘round
Yet ye cannae mis-tread
With Wizard Peter
As your alchemical guide

As our footprints
(the inverse space)
Change the path
The path also does
Change our selves


Tohu wa-bohu תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ
Bewildered and astonished
All begins
χάος, nihil
Ma 間 et Śūnyatā
One divided by zero
The infinite plane
Swirling excitations
Of four fundamental fields
Ringing out 
Every direction
But definitely just
Forward in time
We are hiding between
Detailed initial conditions
Shrouded ‘neath
Liminoid depths
Alakazam! emerges
World and WIZARD
Shimmering star
Blinding shining
Dirt below
Water around
Heavens above
Life but a single flash
As first, so at last
O Sophia throw
Seven Archons
Hellward to
Eonic abyss
Await Hawking’s prophesy
Magnanimous final crunch
Or entropic
Universal heat death
Here ending galaxies 
Black holes
They say
“Play that again”
“Nay,” quoth
Lizard Pete
“It’s only 

French Suite No. 5 in G Major, BWV 816: VII. Gigue

French Suite No. 5 Gigue by J. S. Bach. The embodiment of joy, to me.

Open Sky

Late Night Thoughts Listening to Mahler's 9th Symphony



Retep Draziw 
separated isotopes of Uranium 
to produce a weapon 

based on some principles of 
Newkular Fizsion

Abort, Retry, Fail?

Jesus said
"I am come to set the world on fire, 
and how I wish 
that it were 
already burning!"

Professor Lawrence
Invented a device
To separate the U235 
out of 
natural uranium
high voltage accelerated the particles around
and the heavier ones 
took a bigger circle
the lighter ones, a small circle
and landed in a container

This late night
Break it down for us, 
Lewis Thomas
Tell us your thoughts

I cannot listen 
to the last movement of 
the Mahler Ninth 
without the door-smashing 
intrusion of
a huge new thought: 

death everywhere, 

the dying of everything, 

the end of humanity. 

All through the last notes
my mind swarms with images 
of a world in which
the thermonuclear bombs
have begun to explode

in New York
and San Francisco
in Moscow
and Leningrad
in Paris
in Paris
in Paris
in Oxford
and Cambridge
in Edinburgh

...the outright death 
of eighty million American citizens 
in twenty minutes...

 ...radioactive fallout...

...we will have retaliated, 
incinerating all of Soviet society...

If I were sixteen or seventeen years old 
and had to listen to that, or read things like that
I would want to give up on listening and reading. 
I would begin thinking up new kinds of sounds
different from any music heard before
and I would be twisting and turning 
to rid myself of human language.

In Hiroshima the fires developed into a true firestorm.
Firestorms can melt roads, cars, and glass.
They can boil water in lakes and rivers,
and cook people to death in buried bomb shelters.

"Whoso is near unto me
is near unto the fire!"

Nuclear weapons can cause acute radiation sickness 

The total energy absorbed by a 75 kg individual 
with a whole body exposure of 600 rads 
(fatal in most cases)
is 450 joules. 

It is interesting to compare this 
to the kinetic energy of 

.45 caliber bullet,
which is about 900 joules.
I want you to forget about 
the gaudy machines that scribble and babble,
about the liars and the heretics, 
and focus now on this one thought:

Prometheus has stolen fire from the gods
Manhattan has separated unstable nuclei like the gods

hazard peter, 

Now your fear is Total and Absolute
the Arc of Rebirth can begin
Transform yourself 
from a dead stone, 
into a living 
philosophical stone!

Achtung!, Enso! Take caution
The circle is incomplete
Imperfect, insubstantial,
amorphous, non-separable,
transient, ambiguous
Now let trepidation and bravery intercept!

Welcome to the Lizard Peter show

Blurp blurp
Blurp blurp



Wizard Peter

Excerpts from Mahler's 9th Symphony by Gustav Mahler

Description of cyclotron by Quentin Kerns

Words of Carl Jung from "Psychology and Alchemy," p. 268

Words of Jesus by Author of Luke 12:49 (translation mashup)

What Say the Dying

Various historical figure's last words by themselves

To the Furthest Reaches

Back from the Other Side


Composition, production & mixing by Wizard Peter

French Suite No. 5 Gigue by J. S. Bach

Guitar on Open Sky by Andy Zimmermann

Excerpts from Mahler's 9th Symphony by Gustav Mahler

Various historical figure's last words by themselves

Mastering by Bob Familiar at Sounds Familiar Studios

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