Friday, August 1, 2008


He asked me, "So who are you?"
I said "I don't know."
And what he heard was "I don't know."
But what I meant was "I don't know exactly."

She asked me, "So what makes you come alive?"
I said "I don't know."
And what she heard was "I don't know."
But what I meant was "I don't know exactly."

They asked me "So where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
"In a silver mirror," I said.
And what they heard was "I don't know."
But what I meant was "I don't know exactly."

I asked myself "What's should I do now?"
And I said to myself in the most introspective way:
"Lift your eyes upward, myself. See the heavens and the hills.
They are bigger than me, myself. But I have a friend who is bigger still."
But what I meant was "I don't know exactly."


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